I had a lovely surprise in the mail last week: a parcel of scrapbooking goodies from Jennifer Grace, who recently taught me during an on-line course (Projects that Wow). When she e-mailed me to tell me I had won a spot-prize, I had no idea it would be such a generous one. Thank you Jennifer! I have spent time happily imagining what I might make with these supplies. One sheet of paper has already made its way onto a layout:
1 Reply
Hello Margot, I want to thank you very much for the gift you sent me. It made my day and made me feel quite emotional! I’m so please you enjoyed the class. I have just blogged about your gift here: http://jennifergracecreates.com/lots-of-parcels-making-me-happy/
You page looks gorgeous, I love the quadrant of photos, and the title on top of the pictures! xxx