Photo Scavenger Hunt Post 3

Here are my finds for items 12 – 16:

#12 A cloud in the shape of something

#12 A cloud in the shape of something

This was one of the most difficult items to find. For months, every cloud I looked at looked like … a cloud! Finally I looked up as I was closing the gate after coming home from work, and noticed this cloud pattern. To me it looks like the outline of a pine tree, as you might quickly paint or sketch one. I’ll understand if it just looks like clouds to you though.

#13 A fence

#13 A fence

Somewhat embarrassing this – it’s ours. Fortunately it doesn’t actually do anything any more, being a relic of past owners when our property was a livestock farm instead of a horticultural block. Once this fence would have kept stock out of the ‘house garden’, but we’re thinking of taking it down.

#14 A stained glass object or mosaic

#14 A stained glass object or mosaic

This is the floor mosaic in one of Melbourne’s lovely arcades. The woman gazing wistfully into the shoe shop window is my sister; the shop was closed or she would have been inside, trying on a pair or two!

#15 A fire truck or police car

#15 A fire truck or police car

Melbourne has mounted police as well as the ‘normal’ kind. All of them were out in force on this particular evening, ready to police the crowds dispersing from a rally on the refugee issue (very controversial in Australia). As we walked up the street and past the Town Hall where the rally was being held, it seemed there were far more police than demonstrators though.

#16 A windmill

#16 A windmill

This windmill is a water pump, and is located on the Woodville property we visited for a hazelnut pruning demonstration last month. I had no clue as to how or where I was going to bag #16 for the hunt, so I was very pleased to see this!

Photo Scavenger Hunt Post 2

To follow on from #1 and #3-6 yesterday, here are #7-11 (I’m on a roll here folks)!

# 7  A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny

# 7 A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny

We saw this in the jewellery manufacturers’ showroom that was part of our Bargains & Bubbles shopping tour in Melbourne. So true!

#8 A tower - take 1

#8 A tower – take 1

#8 A tower - take 2

#8 A tower – take 2

Take 1 is a nice ‘arty’ shot of the Melbourne Arts Centre Tower from underneath. Take 2 shows the same tower viewed from Federation Square in the dusk. One thing that really impressed us about Melbourne was the variety and quality of the architecture – this tower being but one example.

#9 A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong

#9 A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn’t belong

This is our library circulation desk. Baby Hugo is clearly not a book waiting to be checked in or checked out, hence he is a perfect choice for #9!

#10  A bench that is outside

#10 A bench that is outside

This rather lovely, traditionally styled bench is outside the Community Supermarket in our town’s main street.

#11 An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.

#11 An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.

This is possibly a bit of a cheat, as I think Rinda intended that the photo should come from a special visit to an Aquarium (with a capital A). While Melbourne does have a wonderful Aquarium, I’d visited that on my last visit and didn’t want to go again (it would have taken too many hours away from the principal purpose of our visit – shopping!). This photo was taken in a pet shop – but as I was delighted with the pose of this fish, I’m including it as my entry anyway!

What do you think of my photo choices so far? If you were setting the rules, would you allow my entries for #4 and #11? Have you ever participated in a scavenger hunt (of any kind, not just a photography one)?


Photo Scavenger Hunt Post 1

I’ve been on a scavenger hunt – for photos on topics nominated by Rinda of Gallo Organico blog. The hunt began on 22 June, and participants have until 21 September to complete the list. It’s a Summer list for those in the northern hemisphere, but here in the south I’ve still had fun trying to complete it.

I have five of the first six on the list, and here they are:

#1 An Open Air Market

#1 An Open Air Market

This is just part of the Makers Market which is on every Sunday at the Arts Centre in Melbourne. Sunday was our ‘no shops’ day – but of course that meant that we could happily shop at the market instead!

#3 Town or City Hall

#3 City Hall, Capitol or similar Civic building

This is Melbourne’s Town Hall, and very grandly Victorian it is too.

#4 Airplane

#4 Airplane (or Aeroplane – it’s all the same thing)

I’m quite pleased with my take on this one, catching the sunrise from the aircraft window, with enough of the plane in shot to qualify, I hope!

#5 Sunset

#5 Sunset

This one is from much closer to home – it’s the view from the front gate one clear and about-to-be-frosty evening.

#6 Someone or something taking a nap

#6 Someone or something taking a nap

I might get into trouble with a certain young lady for posting this one….

I’m back

A couple of weeks ago I had a four-day trip away – to Melbourne. This was my second visit to this city, and I confirmed my impression from last time – this is a great place to visit!

Melb1 - Yarra River by day


Melb3We enjoyed eating out, attending a show and lots and lots of shopping! On the day of our shopping tour (more about this later) there was also a big football game on. We were lucky enough to see the Carlton Brewery Clydesdale team go past the pub where we had lunch, on their way to the Staduim:

Melb4The credit card did take a bit of a hammering, so it will be a while before I can afford to go away again!