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Old Friends

I had a marvellous weekend trip to Auckland (a one hour plus car ride to the airport, then an hour’s flight away). My friend was turning 50, and I’ve known her since she was two and I was three.

She’s a lucky girl – has three brothers and a sister. For me (an ‘only’ until my sister arrived when I was six) her family became the siblings I didn’t have. They were all there at her birthday barbecue, and the banter between the three boys took me right back to my childhood – it seemed exactly the same!

Their father instituted a family tradition of lining up the kids in birth order and taking a photo for the annual holiday cards. Here’s the 1965 version:

I was instructed by the birthday girl that I had to re-enact this ritual, and get everyone lined up for a similar photo. The creaks and groans as everyone protested at getting down to the floor were nearly as funny as the resulting pictures. I’ll leave it to you to judge – I don’t think I’m as good a photographer as their Dad was, but I’m pleased to have at least got them all in one line, and looking in the general direction of (if not actually at)  the camera!

Haven’t they aged well!

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