For the month of September I’m doing an on-line course with called Learn Something New Every Day. There’s a prompt for each day and I thought it would be a good motivator to post more regularly on this blog if I wrote some of my responses here.
The question for 1 September arrived in my inbox this morning (because of the time difference between the UK – where Shimelle lives – and here). It was: What was your last big adventure?
Adventures? I don’t really have them! I’m not physically brave, and have limited energy and stamina, so the tramping, cycling and kayaking adventures that Richard has aren’t really for me.
However there are adventures of other kinds, and I decided that ‘adventuring’ from the safety of my known job at Wairarapa REAP to the unknowns of the Greytown Library was probably the ‘biggest’ adventure I’ve had recently. Ahem, that was over two years ago!

The Greytown Library is in this lovely old building – originally the community’s Town Hall. I took this photo just after I’d posted off my application for the job, back in July 2010.
The lesson I take from this is that I should adventure out of my comfort zone a lot more often than every two years!
I love this idea and look forward to reading your responses. That was a big adventure and one that worked out very well.
Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading about your harvesting season!