At the beginning of the year I began yoga again. In years past I had worked along to various DVDs but never in a very focused way. In February I made it a goal to seek out a local class, and I found one. Since starting to attend each Friday I have become much more dedicated to my home practice as well. The class has given me many more poses that I can say I have at least tried, and different ways of placing my body into poses I already knew. Every class has revealed new muscles, tendons and ligaments that need stretching, and I am learning so much about my body – for example, I am tighter on one side above the waist, and on the opposite side below.
The group varies in size from five to ten students, and we are gently guided by our tutor who is more flexible than I am and candid about her own difficulties with some poses (it’s good to know that even an experienced yogi finds them hard).
One class had to be cancelled unexpectedly, and I felt my week wasn’t complete. What about you – is there a physical activity that rounds off your own day or week?